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Keep the spot light ON!

Tough times are inevitable. And it’s during these tough times that our courage and strength is tested. Today’s situation is one for life’s challenges that is likely to fill us with self doubt and anxiety.  Staying strong in the midst of hardship requires us to manage our thoughts, feelings, and behavior.

Accepting reality helps to manage our thoughts and regulate our emotions–which is a key to productive behavior. Acceptance doesn’t mean agreement. Instead, it’s about acknowledging what is happening from a realistic standpoint. So while we may not agree with the way things are shaping up around us, however we can accept that it happens.

There is always a way out. We need to find that way and bounce back. Out of sight, is out of mind, is a very old proverb, however stand true to today’s situation. So what to do? Well its quite easy.  Make your presence felt. It’s time to go digital. This time to will also pass by. You need to be ready for the new beginning.

Companies that are working extensively during lockdown:

1} Theobroma: They are still operating with high hygiene standards and under strict government guidelines with minimum staff and are yet producing some great stuff which can be ordered online. How can they not be on our minds for some soul full cakes, pastries and other savory items?

2} Fine Dine Restaurants, Gustoso and Ru-de-liban , although not operational, but are still hiring and building up on the their data base and are very optimistic to hire most of the candidates there are interviewing via telephonic or whatsapp video call.

It will for sure make their life’s easy post lockdown as they won’t need to invest time screening entry well candidates.

Do not follow the crowd, stand out and be in the limelight, For there will always be a silver lining behind the dark cloud when the sun shines.